Motociclista salva un ternero

By Andreina G in : Estilo de vida // Oct 31 2011

Aunque esto no tiene nada que ver con tecnologia o social media me parecio muy interesante contarles la historia. Johan Gray se encontraba realizando las pruebas para la ruta Amageza, Sudafrica, cuando se encontró con un ternero atrapado en uno de los canales de agua paralelos a la pista. No dudo en pararse y salvar al animal, tomando posteriormente un desvío de la ruta para devolverle el animal a su dueño.

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One Response to "Motociclista salva un ternero"

  1. Ludmila 08/12/2015 10:19 am

    You are right.Look at how they came from nowhere. Only Illuminati ashsloes have the resources to take over the search engine business so fast like they did. Look at all the shit they allow to profile what you search and prop it up to the top of the list.Anybody know who owns this outfit.?I bet if you search that you won’t find out.I bet Google is nothing more than some old money pieces of fucking rotting shit saying . Let’s take over the Internet . I would like to find these cocksuckers and teach them some pain anybody that has over 50 million should be shot and pissed on. It is wrong to have so much money and power, they will all burn in their own shit.